
Much to the New

Many new things have happened at, you may have noticed the Poetry page, thats fransons work, or you may have noticed the new look of atimes. I am working on redoing all the majorly outdated pages and im actualy working up somthing top secret for the navbar

A Call to Arms

Ye who be gracious bring forth your knowledge and effort. I need help with this page some of us call home and any of you who have knowledge in Solaris, Unix, or web servers contact me soon. If Sol rises to meet the new day will have a new beginning one free of Geocities and the feebs associated with it. Contact at the aim screen name oasisbandDOTnet.

New Divx, Not Cool

The new divx codec hosted on is not cool, do not download it, its qualtiy is the same as 4.2 and the new version installs spyware on your pc which is not cool in any sence. I want to punch who ever came up with the idea. I suguest you to like to punch them to(do not do it and get me in troble though(at least claim you did it under your own will)) DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT!!!

Kick in the Pants

I have received several figurative blows in the last few weeks. Although they were mostly minor (like the dumb ass school not putting (the best site on the list) on the list of web site in the news paper (again not major but we can use all the publicity we can get). The other blow was the jackass that didn't send me my damn mixing board (the god like Mackie 1604 VLZ PRO). Hopefully I can rectify the later.
PS- the amount of hits lately has sucked so for the namesake of the carp tell every one you can about the site. DBH should have an update this weekend.


The Links Page has been completely redesigned, still needs some finishing touches, tell me what you think.


Bjork has a last name!!! Its "Gudmundsdttir" or is the s&d reversed, ive seen both, if thats not a last name i don't know what is.