
Jesse and Historical References Confused

Jesse do you happen to know who said "Let them eat cake." I can promise it wasn't any democratically elected official. No Jesse the person that wrote that message had ascended to their power by inheritance, in other words queen. Queen Elizabeth actually said that quote. And in no way did in the least refer to the idea of loosness (which isn't a word I am sure you are meaning looseness), but instead the quote was spoken by Queen Elizabeth out of sheer arrogance and/or ignorance. It was told to here that her peoples did not have any money to buy bread and had no way of buying bread, so she remarked, possilby arrogantly or as I believe with ignorance, "let the eat cake" which she had in plenty supply in her castle. In no way does that pertain to anything Jou said . . . And Next, I am going to speak for Jou not because he can't but because I had a completly different view on what he said than you. I believed that Jou was more or less saying that the democracy is a good thing, but what made it bad is current politics and the politics that set our country on the current trend of democracy. As I believe Jou was stating the Washington's democracy did work and will still work much better than the one we have today. And lastly, dear God Jesse how do you not believe in corruption in the government, just look at our pres and our vice both of them have and possilbly still are involved with corrupt and illegal buisnesses that are now being tried for "cooking the books." On a new topic my views consist with Jou's in that democracy is very very beautiful but it has grown beyond its means and no longer are the people able to control their government, but through entrenched aristocratical service in the government positions ( just look at Strom Thurmond). And I have always stated that political parties merely inspire confomority as a result of lack of thought and thus the compromise all of democracy.

Hell No

Democracy is not a sham, by the people ruiling them selves the needs of the people are best met. Lets not forget "Let them eat cake". It is the loosness which alows people to live their lives without fear of opression. It is this looseness you speak of which alows you not to be shot for speaking such treachery against the government. Oh, and not to mention "Shady Goals" why would royalty have to do anything other than somthing for their own good when they dont have to worry about getting reelected? You should be thankfull for this system. Now I shall go back to my summer of not thinking. Thank You

Democracy a Sham?

Lately I've been thinking. How effective is our system for government? Corruption has plagued our government throughout it's existence, so could this "experiment" be fruitless? I'm beginning to doubt the power of our nation, as well as how hard our fall will be (what goes up, must come down). When the same family continues to rule over the people isn't that how kingdoms work? I disgust the fact that idiots would rather conform to a loosely held together party with shady goals than think for themselves. I find that giving control to the peons of the nation isn't always the best idea, but I do think the founders had the right idea with the electoral college. We've strayed too far from the guidelines implimented. The country was at it's best before political parties, and Washington knew that, so why don't any other Americans?

The Church

As we have been unable to avoid hearing and reading about for the last weeks is that of the Catholic Church scandal. And being a Catholic and also being a cynical Catholic I would like to give my words about the scandal. To begin with I believe that the media has done a wonderful job and should follow this story as far as it will take them just because the scandal is a very disgusting thing that has rampaged its way through the church. But I believe that the Minnesotan media has done a very bad and demeaning cover of the story, mainly because the Minnesotan disocese has already gone through this scenerio, 10 years ago, and has cleaned up. Now many priests that have already been punished are recieving it over again. To a final conclusion when people go on mocking the Catholic Church you have to remeber that priests are just as human as any other person, and they have their failures and their disturbing fetishes as well, and not that we should accept this as okay. But we must realize that of course these people will sin and will be pedophiles and so on. And to that extent the percent of priests that are actually pedophiles is significantly lower than the normal population, which means that priests, for the most part, are trying to fight temptations hence a blanket statement of priests being evil and disturbed is not deserved and very ignorant.


Personaly I feal their are things much much worse than death, although many liberals would feal they were not deserving of the punishment. Lately though I have had much internal arguing on the problem, somthing inside me says they could be fixed and put back in society, another part of me says that they deserve to die, and their already are too many people. Honestly, i have no idea what the right answer is

Is Capital Punishment Stoopid?

I have mixed feelings on this subject, because in the sense of VHEMT I think that killing prisoners will speed up the elimination of idiots, but the hypocrities are what really bug about it. I don't like the government saying "it's against the law to kill people, so now we have to kill you". I mean what the hell? Not only that, but the ways that prisoners are killed doesn't leave the organs intact, so they're just wasting precious organs. As for the other forms capital punishment, I the same hypocrities apply, and besides, there are much worse acts occuring from actually prisoners ("can you say prison-bitch?"). Overall, my stance will be anti-capital punishment.

I'm sure we all love sealab

The humans will have dogs, that'll sniff you out, that's how the humans can tell. With your robot body, you'll have the strength of 5 gorillaz (all 4, then a combo of them), but you have to be 5ft nothing. Not only that, you can have ex ray vision, or laser eyes!


Why are we so damn ineffiecent I want a robot body. But then i would have to fight the humans when the robot war came around, so I am thinking about staying human just to hunt down the traitor bots. Once again though with a robot I would have the power of 10 men and I could look like a cat, so all around robots would be better.

-Andrew Gross

-Andrew Gross

-Jesse Donat


-Andrew Gross


If I have not said this already I'm all for good old fasion melee lovin' and buy the way, wear a hat tomorow everyone