Jesse's Posts


Personaly I feal their are things much much worse than death, although many liberals would feal they were not deserving of the punishment. Lately though I have had much internal arguing on the problem, somthing inside me says they could be fixed and put back in society, another part of me says that they deserve to die, and their already are too many people. Honestly, i have no idea what the right answer is


If I have not said this already I'm all for good old fasion melee lovin' and buy the way, wear a hat tomorow everyone


WORK SOME SENCE INTO YOUR RANTS OR YOU WILL GO THE WAY OF MAGICO, not even you my feathered friend are not too powerful for me to take down with the click of a mouse button

For once Andrew has a Point, sort Of

-I just want to say that I agree with you on your article "Loosing Faith" I would still say you could call your self a republican though. Every topic does need to be assesed on its own and not just what your party has to say. I tend to agree alot with the republicans, and as you some with the liberatarians. I still can call my self a republican because I am not so liberal as to be a complete ass, or in other words democrat.

General Motors, a National Evil

-I've known this for a while but no ones been writing or "righting" as I like to say, so I'm going to talk about somthing I find to be very hatefull and waistfull. GM, one of the largest Amercian car companies has been doing somthing awful for the last few years. Their cars headlights are on when ever the car is on. Most people would say, "oh it doesnt waist much energy" but the truth of the matter is that it makes for worse gas mileage, how much do you ask? Its estimated about 1 less miles to every 60 miles or so compared to what you would normaly be getting. Doesnt seem like much but imagine all the people driving these evil machines, it adds up. Well this has been bugging me for a while so I needed to get it off my chest.

Jet Grind Radio

Jet Grind Radio
Platform: Dreamcast
Genre: Action/Sports/Dance/Vandalism
Creator: Sega's Slimebit
Players: 1
-Jet Grind Radio uese a graphic technique called Cell Shading, allowing the characters along with the rest of the game to apear as if they are right out of a comic book. The graphics are completely and absolutely beautiful.
Game Play:
-Jet Grind Radio has but one major flaw which is they chose to make the spray paint funcuntion and the center view funcuntion are on the same button which can become fairly akwards at time but otherwise the controls are great. The gameplay is some of the most enjoyable ever in the history of video games.
-The game has a great story of rival gangs out spraypainting eachother and if you play your cards right you can keep away from the police and your gang, the G G's will rain supreme.
-The game has some of the greatest graphics I've ever seen, a fairly good plot and some of the most fun gameplay ever. This IS THE GREATEST GAME EVER MADE.

Games Begins, & A New Thing

Games Begins, & A New Thing
I have added the ability to rate things with stars and half stars, i suguest you rate things out of 5 but you can realy use as many as you want, note to writers, to learn how ask me(oh, it works with all blogs). Their rather crude now, but I'll make better looking stars later