Jesse's Posts


Jeff wants to put a rounded image thing on the page, i do not, email us with your coments

Face Lift is going to be having a much needed face lift over the holidays, tell me what you think. My email address is on the contact page

Did it Ever Start

Bjork month(which was obviously almost two months) is now over, although I never really bothered putting any of the hundreds of images I downloaded. I think I put one up... well any ways, say good bye to Bjork(for now(laughs maliciously))

The Truth

-Everyone talk of how it would be so hard to find Bin Laden, and how the government is working night and day to hunt him down. The truth is they don't want to find him. If they were to find him do you think that they would get continued support for the strike against the terrorists from the democrats, HELL NO. The democrats like to weasel their way out of things, not fighting the fights that need to be fought. Just like when Clinton was in office and the Cole was attacked and he did nothing about it (the lousy son of a bitch). They will do a good job taking out the terrorist groups before they go after Bin Laden, although the truth of the mater may be that they already have him and are holing him in captivity until they think they have most of the terrorists taken out. They are "Waging the Dog" as it were. Now remember the governent is never to be trusted on any level.

Its been a month

-It took me a month, but look were kicking their ass just as i predicted, they dont have the fire power to take us out, they have to use our own devices to atack us which is not a very good system if you ask me. This isnt going to be like ww2 as i said, its almost over actualy, so in your face franson!

Change is bad

The people have spoken, out with the new, in with the old. Aparently the new look wasnt too popular, I didnt like it my self as a mater of fact.

A New Look as always has a new look. Tell me what you think. You can find how to reach me on the contact us page!