Jesse's Posts

Girl Friend

Just to tell you all, I gotz me a girl friend! Yep, for all you that know me, I've finally gotten up the courage to ask Sasha out, and she said yes!!!


After a long wait for you, and a nice, relaxing time for me, the meanings to a few tmbg songs are up, check them out!

New Interface

After trouble with the original Navbar that I made with Netscape Composer(which created a bunch of unneeded tags), I decided to replace it with one programmed 100% by hand. Tell me what you think about it by emailing me at Well, I like it, and I think it may stay on my site for a while.

Something Special

July is declared Anime month on, I have no clue what this is going to mean, or the ramifications, just sit back, relax, and watch out for the narwhal

The Perfect Government

I have often thought about making the government better, mainly late at night. One night I came up with the idea of a government system, where there is no government, and yet the peace and civilization continues. How, you may ask, my answer is through Technomonarcommunism. It is a system, where through transmitters in planted in the brain, and a linking mainframe, you get a unified conciseness. This way, there would be no injustice, no hatred, no misunderstandings, and none of the little things that slow our everyday lives. Think of the organization, the preciseness, the shared knowledge. Your brain is just a place for the storage of data for the system, and there would be only one control. This control would have access to any knowledge that anyone hooked to the system at any time had had. This knowledge intern, with other knowledge, could be used for the ultimate good of man kind. People would just be limbs of the system, a creature really. As said by some great philosopher, when many join, it creates something greater than the things them self. This would be the case. But in order to maintain the system, there would have to be at least one person not attached to the system. This person would be able to override anything the system did, and would have the ultimate word. This is where the "monarch" comes in to the name.

-Some may say that this removes individualism, this may be so, but I belive it is for the ultimate good of man kind. The world would stop waiting energy on useless things. Also, when it becomes necessary to leave this world, fore the sun going collapsing or such, it would help majorly in the design and manufacturing of the interstellar space craft capable of getting us to another suitable world. I, my self, am a big fan of individualism, but it becomes necessary, in a turn of events, to give up your rights and wants for the bettering of mankind. Mankind is a virus, just to let you know, but hell, if were going to destroy this world, might as well take it out as one big powerfull creature!!!

ATimes is up!!

-aNaRcHiSt TiMeS is now up and ready, it is a place for Chris Franson and I to express our opinions, Chris wanted to stay anonymous, but while I was signing him up I screwed up and entered his name, so it doesn't matter anymore. Well, check it out, its cool!!

Why I hate Minnesota

I have lived in Minnesota my entire life, only lately was it that I realized everyone in it is liberal. I hate liberals, I find them to be incredibly hypocritical, they whine about the destruction of nature, then they drive there SUV's that get a whole eight miles to the gallon. SUV's are designed to drive through the woods, not for city driving. The thing that seems completely ass backward to me is the Lexus SUV, you spend 80 thousand dollars on it, are you going to be driving it through the woods? I do not think so, what good is it? You can't drive it in the woods, and its no good for driving in the city. Its like having velvet work boots, totally unnecessary. If you need to haul many people around get a Minivan, maybe you've heard of them. Well, back on topic, I even get harassed because I'm republican, I hate this state and I am just about ready to move to Kansas. Well, that concludes my first entry.

More Comics, New Page, Even LESS Plot?

-More comics have been uploaded, DHB lives on, I am wearing pants, but thanks to my struggles with Windows ME, I was not able to upload them all, and was forced to format my hard drive, then kick my computer in the balls several times, before realizing it didn't have any, then to scream out from the pain my foot was in, and reinstall Windows, Dear god I need 98!!!

Work on an E-Zine has Ended with DEATH!!!

-Well, not so much death, as the writer deciding she doesnt want her magazine taken off paper and put into an electric format. We only hope her the best, and now I am working on another magazine/paper with a person I go to school with who wishes to remane anonomous. I hope this one works out, time will tell.

Work on an E-Zine has Begun

-We can only hope for the best, its supposably run by a liberal, but we figured we needed some variety. It is supposably also going to help us get some hits, and that is never bad. Well we wish the magazine good luck, and we'll see what happens. It may be days or weeks until you see anything at all, or it may never happen, wait and find out.