Forshizzle's Posts

"Stereo Type A" by Cibo Matto.

I played this album untill my speakers busted! Just moments ago the back fell of one of my EV's. This album is great all the songs are to short with one exeption, "Lint Of Love" at just over six min. The album is incredibly varied, it has sweet brass and bass that reminds you the size and proportions of your internal organs. Go buy this album and play it at full volume you'll need new speakers but its worth it.
Rated: 4/5


I'm just informing everyone that the big neighborhood garage sale is this saterday. I would sugest anyone who likes stuff go. I'll be takeing money at my mom's house most of the day if you want to drop by. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about ask at school or email me.

New Comics Up

Two big and one small comics up i might fix it later. Iv been had trubble with my scanner so these are special edition enjoy.

P.S. To get the full "humor" in the comics you must see Barry Lindon.

Working on Comics

I'm working on them today but my comp crashed and photoshop is not working so ill have to reinstall. Hopefully they will be up by the end of the day but the gif may take some time.