Franson's Posts

Haha, you suckx02.

Haha, you suckx02.

By the way, anyone who wants to submit here is more than welcome to... I'll take pretty much anything that's good... Or even half-decent... And that requirement isn't stringent...


Um... Gross...

Firstly, you're talking about pro-life, not pro-choice. As they're opposites, I thought you might want to know. Second, while I wouldn't call your article as drastic and off-base as Magico's insanity, I'd still appreciate it if you'd back your ramblings up with some solid facts. Give us some links to the legislations of which you speak (I'm interested in reasing the "Patriotism Act" myself... that's a pretty nasty comparison). Oh, I'm forgetting something. **Insert argument against political parties here**. There, I feel a bit better now.

~Franson (I'm baa-aack).

I Second

Firstly, if Abraham Lincoln really did issue an anti-Native American Proclamation as well, and it really did have the effect of destroying their people and their lifestyle, there was indeed a reason for it. Most of the tribes had (prior to the Emancipation Proclamation) sided with the Confederate States. Thus, they were part of the threat to the North and its armies. Would you refrain from shooting a Native American in favor of a Confederate soldier if they were both charging at you with swords drawn?

Secondly, Lincoln was no Hitler, nor was he a Stalin. If you want to attack a former President for damaging the Indian Nations and their cultures, why not Thomas Jefferson or Andrew Jackson? As far as I can tell (again, refute me if I am incorrect), Lincoln did next to nothing compared to those two (who stole most Native American-controlled land in the Great Plains and moved almost every Native on the East Coast to Oklahoma Territory reservations, respectively).

Thirdly, Abraham Lincoln was a great man because he believed in reuniting the Union. He knew that if he did not do so, the still-fledgeling nation would fail, as two divided halves are much weaker than one united whole. If it weren't for Lincoln, none of the prosperity the nation witnessed from 1865 on would have come to fruition. Jesse, please respond to this, I'm interested to hear the logic behind your argument.

My God!

Are you serious?! Um... let's see here... what're those things called, in the Bill of Rights, you know... Oh yeah! Inalienable rights! And what's one of those rights? Right to privacy! That's it! Stupid fargin' FEEBS! ARGH! Yes, Jesse, you have an excellent point on music to make money versus music to make an expression. That's why pop culture sucks so much. Thirdly, why is the music industry trying to put yet more money into its pockets when it already makes a king's ransom every year (this is true to the extent that the mafia is literally jealous of the profit margin turned by the music industry)? ARGH! STUPID FEEBS! JUST STAY OUT OF PEOPLE'S LIVES!!

Franson Returns

Franson Returns
Well, after almost a week of being entirely uninspired.... I'm still uninspired. Dammit! Well, we'd best wait and see if my associate and I can come up with something in the next day or two. Ciao 'til then.


Primaries would cease to exist (hateful, hateful things they are), giving the possibility of an infinite number of candidates (the perfect Democratic society). Why not just give everyone an equal chance, Jesse? Why?

Franson Rebuts II: Return of the Evil Kiwis

Jesse, I didn't say that I would agree that Washington was our nation's greatest President, I merely stated that one could argue that statement (I'd give the title of best President to Abraham Lincoln). Plus, why do you say that? I feel that politics can (and often is) far to one-dimensional. Plus, people still can, if they had to (liberal versus conservative or moderate). Political parties are indeed an important part of our current system, but they don't need to be. Far more people could be interested in politics if their ideas weren't confined to "Democratic" or "Republican". Plus, its not like we couldn't still make fun of liberals... But thats all for now. Andrew, Jeff and Andy, what do you all think?

Political Parties

Are they a good thing? Are they a bad thing? Are you indifferent? What's your take?

Anyways, I say that parties are bad. Echoing our first and arguably greatest President, I do not believe in the political party system. It unnecessarily stereotypes the correct path for government, both liberal and conservative. Thus, most who have true epiphanies about government are shunned from mainstream politics, hence the evil of political parties. And that's about all. Send in your thoughts!

New Freeform With Historical Inspiration

New Freeform With Historical Inspiration

This one's inspired by the beatniks too, folks. Here's "Freedom"

The inky stream,
Black fire river,
Cutting, shaping,
Blacktop spans deserts and centuries,
Crossing, following,
Path to home.
Fallen angels,
Cast into shadow,
Teachings rejected,
New order, new life,
No recourse,
Can't turn,
No place,
No haven,
Cold and all alone.
New light dawns,
Shining bright,
Over lives and loves,
New ideas,
New life,

In Response to In response to Franson Rebuts

To further clarify my beliefs, I believe that the absolutely ideal system would be where absolutely everyone in all the land had an equal opportunity to run for office. The lowliest bum on the street would have just as good a chance as the rich executive. However, I can never see that happening, as America is run by rich men and always has been. However, the next best thing I can see is eliminating people without an ounce of common sense and/or a brain between their ears (we're not talking really stringent standards of knowledge here... No more stringent than the current standards for being President). That's all.