A Large Number of Updates

Well, I wasted a bit of time fixing known problems with the site, along with adding new "Software" and "Insight" pages. Insight is mainly a place for me to post my harebrained theories, though in a few days it should be open to the public. Also I plan to redo the main page before my break is over (January 18th) Oh, and the emoticon legend is finally up. If you have an emoticon to submit that would be great.

In the coming days I plan on a number of things, new main page, album review page, get omnipresence running with its own database, finalize the Java version of omnipresence for our Mac OSX users?

Oh, not to mention I've decided to completely quit supporting Internet Explorer 6. Internet Explorer 7 (which should fix many of the issues) is several months away and anyone still clinging to it I suggest to either just wait or switch to Firefox.

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