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Gross, let me address your points.

1) About the prisons, we have a lot of inmates in the United States to be sure. I guess you can twist anything I say andrew. When I say that Iraq had children prisons where they placed children of Saddam's political opponents, you would say that we have Juvenile prisons. When I meantion torture chambers, you would say that American prisons aren't such great places either, such is your twisted logic. I agree that the number of prisoners in itself is not enough to condemn Saddam, but the reasons for which they were being held and the conditions they were kept in speaks volumes about the regime. I am glad it has fallen and you should be too. Unfortunately, your political ideology has blinded you.

2) The prisoners that "had fought wars against Iraq" are the lucky ones, for they were not killed as most people like them were. When they say that they were "fighting wars against Iraq," it is another way of saying they were opponents of Saddam Hussein. These were the people Saddam was most scared of, the Iraqis who rose against him. According to one iraqi in Baghdad, "he killed millions of us." There is a reason why Iraqis were jubilant when his regime fell. It was their fellow countrymen who were imprisoned by Saddam. It was their fathers, Uncles, and cousins who were tortured, given chemical baths, and put in human shredders. This imprisoning of political opponents would never happen in the United States (Don't even think of fucking jumping on me for that). It would be like Bush putting Ted Kennedy in prison for opposing the war.

3) Finally, your Johnny Walker conspiracy theory is incredible. He did not get arrested and sentenced for his beliefs, he was because of his actions. If you went to a military base and started shooting at soldiers, you would be arrested too. Why, of all people, would they choose to arrest this one 19 year old? If makes no fucking sense, but neither do the rest of your arguments or your twisted logic.

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