Adolf v. Stalin

Wow here is a great American tradition that has been repressed for oh about 50 years! America decided to support Stalin and ally with Stalin a man who killed vastly more people than Hitler ever did. Oh yeah that is right, Hitler killed an atrocious number of people mabye about 10 million people. But here is the kicker Stalin killed 20 million through purges, another 20 million through starvation, and about 10 million on top of that through military strategies that revolved around the fact of hurling bodies at the German machine guns. Now why do we think that Hitler was the wourst man of all time and not Stalin?!?!?! American propoghanda. That is why we want to to forget that we allied Stalin and did nothing to prevent him from killing his own people. Anyone who is reading this don't think that I feel sorry for Hitler, my expression to someone who kills 10 million goes un said, but my point is that America does not care about anyone but itself, and if that means supporting a man who kills 50 million people and then fighting against a man who is killing only 1/5 of that number seems ridiculous. So Jesse when you say that Europe only cares about itself, you should try and take a look at our own American history and look at the fact that we have never, not once, in our history done something to benefit another country that would not benefit us 10 fold.

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