Ah Ha

Now you just shot yourself in the foot. YOu complained in a previous blog that the UN is potentially dangerous as it starts exceeding it rules of soveriegnty. But now when you are pressed up against a wall you say that they should go into countries and break soveriegnty. What do you want? Make up your God damn mind. Also you say that the UN depends on the US . . . once again not true. The US does contribute some peace keeping troops of the UN's but the majority come from nations such as Britian as the US sends in its own troops as well as NATO troops. And I don't think that you understand the amount of power that the UN can potentially have. It can freeze banks, international trade, enforce borders. and other very offensive actions to that extent. Also I believe that the United States, France, China, Russia and Britian greatly hinder the amount that the UN was able to do and with ou those nations especially the United States, able to have a larger sway in events that is knows nothing about to control. Oh and lastly I am sorry to tell you but fucking grow up . . . the Israelies aren't defensiveless holy people that are perfectly innocent. They are equally terrorists, madmen, haters, and promoters of violence. What should the UN do . . . kill everyone that has raised a finger against a jew? Human beings are human beings in they eyes of the UN unlike most of the rest of the world.

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