Amen Andrew

Gross is dead on about political hacks. Ideolism blinds many to life's realities. It's human nature. However, politics and everyday life should be in different spheres. Because you do not agree with someone, you they are not necessarily evil or a bad person. Most people are well intentioned, but sometimes misguided or delusioned.

I do not agree with your assessment of the human race. I know that it is cool to act all pessimistic and negative towards humanity, but take a look at how far we have come in the last hundred years. One hundred years ago, we were sleeping in our shit, and dying at age 30. The main mode of transportation was a fucking horse, and a common cold was a major cause of death. If we were going to kill ourselves off, we would have done it by now! We have had nukes for 50 years, and haven't managed to destroy the world yet. Even compared to 20 years ago, when the U.S. and U.S.S.R had nukes pointed at each other, the world in in a more peaceful state. With each generation, there are those who preach that humanity is doomed, that WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!! It never fucking happens! If we are so damned evil and flawed, how come we aren't all dead yet? Civilization has lasted 7000 years and we have had nukes for 50 years, yet we are not fucking dead! We are better off as time progresses, not worse, and if you look at the big picture your fucking standard doomsday theory holds no fucking weight. God save us all.

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