American History X

Eventhough this isn't the movie review section, I still want to comment on the movie American History X because i found it wonderful.

The movie centers around the brother of a skin head who goes to jail after killing two black men, and then in jail he meets a black guy that he relates too. When he gets out of jail he tries to stop his brother and the rest of his town from keeping up their rascist practices. To begin with, this movie truthfully brought tears to my eyes. I am not going to say that I am Mr. Tough guy that won't cry, but it is still a rare occasion that I will cry in a movie and this movie made me do it. Also what I loved about the movie is that it showed racism from a completely different view and the viewer actually would start feeling sorry for the skinheads in that the black gangs and such were making their lives misserable. But than to counter what I said the movie is not a pro-white movie in the least it is a movie that is anti-racist.

The movie inspired me to write what am about to do right now and that is my topic on racism and sexism. My personal opinion on black people and white people and yellow people and red people is that they are completely neutral. All black/white/yellow/red are not good and they are not bad they are merely just a skin color. When I was watching TV I saw some peace ad talking about how black people are good people. This is a completetly bogus and racist comment. Because black isn't a way of classifing people but instead it is just a skin color. On sexism, I just came to the realization that when a teacher forcing people to sitting in the rows by girl boy and so on, or do anything according to girl boy and so on, that teacher is being sexist. By saying that women and men are different the teacher is saying that men and women are different more over than just the physical attributes. Basically what I am saying is that rascism and sexism are enbedded so far into our society that even those who are trying to do some good in combating the issue are still rascist and are still using rascist actions. And that is something pretty crappy to think about.

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