An Open Letter to Jesse Donat

I’ve been meaning to write to you for some time now. I’ve gotten into the habit of writing letters to a handful of people. Some how I keep putting yours off. I don’t know why. I think your one of the people I fear loosing. We’ve always been close but we’ve never been close. I feel like I don’t really know you all that well. I feel like I don’t know most people that well. I am not content in just casually knowing some one and its become almost an obsession of late. I’ve discovered that the truth is. So simple that most people think there needs to be more. It there for its own sake and should be freely given because that’s the only time it has value. I tend to rant. I think that’s what I like about letters. Information can be just thrown on to the page at almost the speed to thought and then some one else can process it all later. I think this page is a good place for ranting like this. My Space and all the others are fundamentally corrupt for a number of reasons but this is something we made and can shape how we want. Even if nothing comes of it. Well what is my point? I really have no idea but I was telling Gross truth exists in the back and forth and not in any one side. I want to get to know more people and to understand (the word fails me here) everyone that I know. But I find people fight me on this. Or at least they seem to. I really don’t mind telling anyone anything. I think I have reached a point where I could tell a stranger the most personal things I have. I tend to rant. I seem to be repeating myself. Well maybe I come off as crazy in this and that’s probably not far from the truth. But maybe if I’ve said anything at all we can build on that (though looking back I’m not sure I have). I will leave you with a question. One that now many would answer publicly. What is your sin? The one thing that makes you truly guilty. I find that most people have one that’s not even “immoral” or illegal. I know mine isn’t. Well at bear minimum I hope this is an olive branch. . . Seems like we’ve been drifting. . .

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