Anyone remeber the days of Atimes when...
- Rant - Political
- PhonX Monkey
- make witty remark
Anyone remeber the days of Atimes when the posts had enough content and some semblance of thought that one had to actually try and rip them apart . . . but now the posts rip themselves apart without any outside help.
Lets try and get some level of intelligence back here instead of "hey I am bored . . ."
Lets try and get some level of intelligence back here instead of "hey I am bored . . ."
Comment by: Forshee on
Probably the truest thing on the page. . .
Comment by: DonatJ on
I don't remember anything on Oasisband ever having any level of intelligence.
Comment by: Forshee on
Its best not to mix idealisum with reality. . .And he did say 'get' not return to.