Austria's Lapse of the Most Basic Human Right: Thought

An English man by the name of David Irving has gone to prison in Austria for "Not Believing in the Holocaust." Do not get me wrong here, I am no anti-Semitist, but I consider what they have done to this man to be the worst kind of evil. Freedom of thought must be ensured. What I can and cannot believe should never be dictated by the government under any circumstances, and should have the guaranteed right to express what I believe. This is not to say that people should not be able challenge ones beliefs, but they shouldn't be able to throw one into prison for it. This is in my opinion as bad as Fascism. When they have the right to tell us what to believe where does it end? Imagine the large sweeping effects on religion among other things. There are many things nonreligious as well that I do not agree with scientists on, but when having a dissenting view is illegal there is no room for progress, improvement nor correction. Quoting the article "Anti-Nazi groups in the UK congratulated the Austrian government." That in it self seems pretty Nazi to me. I thought England was supposed to be a friend of freedom. It has hit me as of late that the United States is the only place where speech is still free.

As a side note this is one of several reasons why we must not give the reigns of the internet over to the EU, along with the fact that we spent billions creating it, If Europe wants control they should first pay off their billions in trade deficit, and then purchase the internet from us for complete development cost.

I was going to stretch this on into covering how Germany is not a democracy because of their complete lack of free speech, but this sentence should do.

Here is the link to the aforementioned article

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