Backtracking Again

Gross, I did read your post, and what I saw was you comparing the United States to Saddam Hussein. If it wasn't that, I don't understand the point of you getting so angry at me. "I agree that the number of prisoners in itself is not enough to condemn Saddam" is a direct quote from my post. Obviously your post had a lot more in it than just the statistics don't reflect that Saddam is bad. I agree with that part. You ignore the fact that Saddam did his horrid things to anyone who dissaggreed with him. You call them "traitors" and say that we too punish traitors. The law in the U.S. does not define a traitor as anyone who disaggrees with the government. If that was so, you would have been arrested by now. I don't think that all your logic is bad. We only talk about foreign policy too much on this forum. I probably agree with you much more on other issues.

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