Congress's Plan to Ban the Analog Tele.

For those of you that are unaware during the mid 90's under the supervision of Bill Clinton a bill was passed stating that broadcasters would no longer have to broadcast in analog in the year 2006. Of course now we know that the switch over to digital tuners in televisions hasn't been as quick as one might have hoped. I believe I am the only person I know to actually have a digital tuner in any of my TV's, I know two people with HDTV's and even they are not equipped with digital tuners, we paid an extra $400 on our television just to have one built in. Congress is legislating now not only to push the date up to 2009. Not only though are they going to stop broadcast of analog television but they are going to ban the sales of Analog TV's and Analog VCR's. They want to use the frequencies for better wireless internet and emergency broadcasts. My major problem with this is that the digital signals are not nearly as reliable as the analog. For example I'll be watching 'Desperate Housewives' in HD on Channel 5-1 and all of a sudden 'Signal Low' and the picture goes out, not static-y but completely black. So now when this happens I can just tune down a click to analog, non-HD, 5 and have a lower quality but working picture. This happens all the time too, usually at the most inconvenient times. Sure with digital there is no static, but in place of the static you get black. I find it irritating that people who make over $100k, and making laws about something that mainly affects people who make much less who take advantage of broadcast TV. You know as well as I somewhere there is an old woman who will be watching TV the moment they turn off the analog and think her TV's broken. I guess the one decent thing about it though is that the converter boxes for standard TV's are going to be price controlled by the government, and they are aiming for $35 a box. Luckily for my self when Voom (Great HD) went out of business they never showed up to collect their boxes, so I have 3 boxes that have digital off air tuners in them.

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