Degeneration? What's that mean? I don't like big words!

Well, I was walking through the halls of the High School today (and the rest of my time there, (and the vast majority of my time in the public school system, for that matter)), and a shocking realization came to me. It was, and I quote: people, in general, are feebs. But why? Why are people such intolerable feebs? Then, another startling realization came to me. It was, simply, that popular culture, being the root of all evils, is also the root of this one. I mean really people, Take a step back and a look at what popular culture is, and even more importantly, what it isn't. It isn't about knowledge; if one were to do nothing but become entirely immersed in popular culture, on the day that such a poor, unfortunate soul went to his grave, he would have no idea of concepts as simple as what the heck a book is, or who George Washington was. Consider this: have you ever seen an ad for the newest bestseller, or even one of the great classics of literature, on MTV? Thus, it isn't about intelligence rising to the top, and stupidity sinking to the bottom (the ideal society, in my opinion). It's purely about mindless sex, terrible music, and above all, STUPID BRAINDEAD FEEBS. I hope that this little paragraph has given you some valuable insight into how bad society has become over the last few years. I know it should have.

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