Europe, Part Deux

First off I want you to direct quote me where as you say "your blog proved you wrong" Secondly where did I say that I don't know anything about European affairs, I'm quit probably the only one here who was worried about the Super Nazi Le Pen vs. More liberal candidate Jacque Chirac (please excuse my spellings). You have a large tendency to misread things (especially mine) and then bitch about things I didn't say or mean. Moreover, I refer to Europe as a single place because they are consolidating into one. If don't believe me? Look at the Euro for instance, and many of there borders are as open as ours with Canada. They are less of countries and more like states. Lastly, by care about anyone else, I meant "give a rat's ass". Europe could care less about 911. Instead their wee-little governments are too busy enforcing stupid laws like 'No Wolfenstein' in Germany, and how France still keeps their homosexuals in concentration camp like cities (at least this is what I have seen on a pbs special quite a while ago), and yet they bitch at us for not having morals. They are the ones who shall burn, by my hand if necessary.

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