Flag Burning

There is an amendment to the constitution, supported by many republicans including the president, which would ban flag burning. I, though republican, am very strongly against this amendment. This is not because I am pro-protest but instead because I am con-symbolism. I do not stand for flags, ever, nor the national anthem, the pledge of allegiance, etc. I stand in respect for no man and most certainly not a piece of fabric. I do not respect a piece of fabric. I've mentioned this long ago, but it is my belief that putting value upon symbols is about the worst thing a person can do. Look at the power the swastika had on the masses. A symbol is nothing more than propaganda, something I might add the Nazi's were excellent at.
I wrote a letter a few weeks back on the topic and sent it to Senator Norm Coleman, a former democrat I might add. I got a response back a few days ago and it was very short and to the point. Since I cannot find it at the moment I will state it as I remember it.
"Dear sir: While I am thankful for your input. I disagree with you on this matter. Also Note I hate you.
Yours truly, Norm Coleman"
Well maybe that's not exactly how it went but its close. Anyway I was very disappointed with the response.

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