Follow Up To: Cops, Idiots they are
Posted: [3/11/2002 7:17:50 PM | Jesse Donat]

Jesse I come to the conclusion by reading your previous article that you are a very naive little boy. This naivity I wish to all God's creatures that I was apart of, but instead I must realize that this is not the case. The reason that he was shot many times was, as history has told us, to keep the minorities and other groups as far away from the federal government as possible through fear. Fear is a word that has been used many times to talk about communist Russia and Stalin, but the truth is that America is using this fear just as well much as Russia but much more subtle. To stop my editorial I would like to say I am not arguing with you per say, but really I am explaining government reasoning and not my own here. Now the member of the Somalian community and the black community have already learned, that if you don't stay in your place and you start getting upidy than you will be forced back into the slums you came from. And this is peaceful and indivual America here not Russia. This treatment is merely used to allow WASPs to retain supreme control over the federal government.

The African American population has expierenced this quite well throughout there history. And especially through the twentyth century African Americans and all people of dark skin for that matter have been forced back down to a place of no power in the government. When the civil rights movements came around obviously preaching to us the injustices of America, what happened. They were not greated with flowers and other nice ammenities but instead guns, dogs, and water houses.

Native Americans have felt the oppression of WASPs and their attempt to assert complete control in America moreso than African Americans. Native Americans were not just oppressed but instead foribly removed from their land and settled into what was known as the Great American Desert. And worse Andrew Jackson when originally moving the Indians off their land never thought that America would urbanize all around them, which obviosly happened. So to an effect they were stripped of their original land and then stripped of some of government promised land. The reason to this is that if Indians had equal power in the country the WASPs wouldn't be able to assert supreme control and they would have another dominate group to contend with.

This same treatment is occuring to catholics, women, (not Jews because as Samuel Eisenberg pointed out to me that Jews run the country . . . somehow?) and all other minorities. This horrid treatment that you were touching on in your editorial is nothing new and it is just how the government controls its people and allows for a WASP nation to rule over us all. America -- Where All Men Are Creating Equal?

***WASP means White Anglo-Saxon Protestant and it conotates for a man as well in that***

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