Franson Rebuts

By my call to change your writing style, I merely called for you to change your non-supported, meaningless style to one with more class and flair. Need I clarify any more?

Now then, on to the article I was meaning to write. The government, as it is now, has some very large problems with it now. It does too much meddling in people's private affairs (for example, the NSA (yes, I know you're reading this)). It restricts people too much in their pursuits of everyday life (through throngs of meaningless laws, which we all know exist). And above all, it steals our money (or at least will in a few short years)! But what needs to be done? Do a few minor changes need to be enacted, or does the entire Constitution require a new drafting? Talk of the Articles of Confederation in A.P. U.S. History got me thinking about this, and I believe that the government could be overhauled well by requiring that only people of obviously high intelligence could run for office (in more ways than just IQ, if that's what comes to mind). This way, feebs with money could not run rampantly powerful as we see is the case today. But now, to pass the ball: What do you all think about this important issue? Let's hear!

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