Fuck The Republicans

I have been looking over bill that Republicans have passed and I come to the conclusion to just fuck the Republicans, why? Because Republicans merely want the government to stay out of their economy, but on the other hand, they want the government to restrict anything than doesn't coincide with the WASP view point. YES I am a conservative, but not a fucking republican. I mean look at abortion for example, eventhough I am prolife yet I have completely different views than the moronic Republicans. Why do Republicans believe that prolife is a good thing, not because it will save the child's life, but no to punish the women for sleeping around. That is why they want abortion to be legal if there is rape involved, which to me it doesn't seem right to be able to kill a child because you were raped. Look at the Patriotism Act that was issued after 9/11, do they remind you of the Sedition Acts of John Adams because they sure as hell do to me. Over to the marijuana debate the Republicans constantly shout small government, let us run our own lives, yet they say this idea doesn't apply to marijuana because it is against our values. I truly do hate myself for claiming that I was a Republican earlier on these blogs, but I have seen the light and I am sickened with the Republicans. And lastly a little bit of clarificfication, throughout my rant I said Republicans well I am sure their are Republicans who don't have the same ideas as the one I laid out for you, I don't mean to make a blanket statement. But by referring to Republicans I am talking about the general attitude and ideals throught the party itself. So to conclude my last statement I think a good ol' Fuck The Republicans, will be very well in order indeed. (Oh and fuck spelling and commas as well).

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