Fuck you

Hmm why don't we talk about twisting arguements Ben. You have never once answered anthing directed at you ever. And in addition in my article, you fucking moron, I said that I was not comparign the conditions of American prisons and Iraqi, but I was merely saying that we had numerous persons in jail. You decided to make some dumb ass post about something that I never ever said. "Ben and Paul I know you are going to say some dumbass thing about how the people are treated so much worse, and so on, which is obvious. My point though is that in a sheer numerical comparison we are probably right up there is not passed Iraq in number of prisons and prisoners percentage wise." That is a direct quote from my post, maybe you should fucking read something before you make some dumb ass comment about it. Secondly Ben . . . what the fuck are you talking about. I never said that people who found against Saddam were not in the right but rather I said that we treat have the same emotions and opinions regarding traitors as does Saddam, and therefore I was saying that it isn't that horrid of a thing if Saddam hates his traitors and we hate our traitors as well. You then spew this pity shit about the Iraqis and how long they have suffered in a effort to demonize me, when I never said anything of the sort. Once again fucking read a post before you make some stupid fucking counter to it. And lastly I really don't give a shit what you think happend With Walker, because what I have read both online and from the NY Times supports what I said, and you talk about political idealogy blinding someone, you have just as much of a blind fold around your head as you accuse me of. Also when did I say I wasn't happy that Saddam wasn't out of power . . . when did I say that Iraqis were not treated horridly by Saddam, and please explain how none of my arguements make sense . . . go through every arguement that i have ever made on this forum and discredit it, and also how is my logic twisted, I guess if I believe what I read by credible sources I must be twisted . . . or is that I am twisted because I don't agree with you.

And lastly lastly fuck you, you write these stupid posts that are completely unfounded ina manner to discredit me, and make up shit that I never said in my post. That is fucking bull shit and should not be allowed on this site. If you want to argue with someone good, but use actual facts no bull shit that you thought would have been convienent if I would have said. Also

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