Good Post

I think that signifies this entire website and most of the idealogy expressed here . . . correctness sux. Conforming to any sort of pre set standard is never a good thing, rather analyzing and using your mind to determine what is good and what is bad is the only way to live life, and that is why the biggest motto on this site is something like "Don't wear pants." Everyone is wearing pants and it is our job to look at pants and see if there is an actual purpose to wearing them or if everyone in society wears them for the sake of conformity. In addition when the politicians get together for a "spontaneaus" singing of God Bless America . . . i am sure those are "spontaneaus." They are just using the song to make them seem more patriotic and trying to show that they actual give a shit about the nation. It makes me feel a lot less about those people, and makes me think they are playing the politician game for mere power and don't really care about this nation or anyone in it. God most politicians annoy me. Now that Jesse Ventura* . . .

Also PC is a horrid thing as well, you can't say most anything with out being accosted by PC nuts if they are any where around you . . . Calling a person with dark skin, black if fine as not all "black people" are or from Africa as the PC morons would like us to believe. And I don't know a single Indian who gives a shit about being called Indian and not "native American." Obviously we should be a little more conscience than we were in the past, but the complete opposite is not any good either.

*That was a joke, that is what everyone says who are to incompotent to pay attention to politics so they say they like Ventura because he spoke his mind, and they people never understand the things that Ventura supported or wanted to implement in this state.

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