
We have not rebuilt one road, or hospital, or anything else that we destroyed in Afganistan

Also how the hell can you even compare Kofi Annan to George W. Bush . . . ha! That is a laughable comparision, if you can show me one example where Kofi has acted to benefit "his friends in upper places" I will never speak on this forum ever again. You will try and twist and tell me to say when Bush has done anything like that . . . the Hummer Law as I refer to it as, he got rid of taxing stocks, he has lowered taxes for the rich. He does have a conflict of interest towards rich people.

Also the UN woudlnt be controlling a the nation, they never have and never will, but they would like they have done in other parts of the world facilitate an election, and allow a government that was appointed by the people to lead the nation, and not a government that neccarialy looks favorably to the US.

And lastly how can you say that they Iraqi's are enjoying the US imperialistic take over . . . just a few days ago they were in open arms refusing to allow the US to pass into their city of Najaaxarasdfasdfsfaasfa (okay the end is made up but the first couple letter are right) . Obviosly the Iraqi's aren't bending over and kissing the feet of the invaders that are taking over their country . . . you can't deny these people their human nature to feel threatend by a hostile take over of their homeland no matter if the intentions are good or bad.

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