Hey Ben

In your post you forgot to discuss the world economy, or aids victims, or jews be killed in WWII . . . oh wait your post had nothing to do with these topics. As my post had nothing to do with how Saddam treated his prisoners. And Ben truthfully do you think that the federal government has always protected freedom of speech and people still don't get black listed (maybe not as a significant extent as in the past) for doing things that are unpatriotic. My post was aimed at the fact that just because it happens in Iraq doesn't mean it is automatically a horrid thing or an incriminating thing against Iraq but rather some things that happen in other parts of the world happen in this nation as well, and as we criticize a nation a dictator, who should be criticized to say the least, we must shine that same light on our selves and not believe that we are a superiour nation than the rest of the world and that we have no wrongs in this nation.

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