
To Ben . . .

I don't understand why you are trying to belittle my arguements with the common knowledge that a five year old would know. You are trying to impress upon me your intelligence of a subject matter, that is common material. And the thing about the Grand Ayatollah is well kind of half of the story. The reason that that was issued was because the Iraqi people were resisting the coalition and they did not want the US or any of the other coalition troops into their country. In essence it is the typical usual of religion where the head of the religion will feel one way, while the mass of the religion will feel the exact opposite way. It is the same scenario of how the smaller third world countries are "supporiting" the US, while the people that make up the country are protesting the US. The fact that the Ayatollya had to realease his statement shows that while the educated see the benefit of allowing the US in their country the people don't. Ben if you honestly believe that in all of your narrow mindedness, and willing to believe the US over the voices of the rest of the world, that Koffi Annon is devoting his life to peace for his own gain. I am greatly disturbed that you would place a man who never had a single conflict in his child hood life and through college, and managed to make his way through life drinking it away while daddy covered his ass, over a man who has come from an incredibly poor town in Africa and managed to gain the respect of almost all of the nations of the world, and has spent relenteless hours of his life caring for those who are not cared, by your love and devotion Bush, the poor, the homeless, those with aids, all the people that Bush wants to not believe they exsist, he wants to help. It is mind boggling that you could support the actions of Bush over Koffi Annon. I have a question for you, do you believe that Mother Teresa (if you know you that is) spent her life suffering so that she could become famous?

And to Paul
Paul you are talking about completely different things, and I would like to leave my article to shutup you don't know what you are talking about, but I will elaborate. Here is the issue you are demonstrating the issue that the UN will not break soveirgnty, which I believe is a good action on their part, which you obviosly disagree a with. The fact that they will not break soveriengty, however, has absolutely nothing to with how they would rebuild a country. You talk about medical aide which should actually be paid by the US and not the UN because of what you said so proudly before, the US was the one to kill all of the Iraqi's and take over the country not the UN. Nevertheless I don't believe that the US is qualifiied to care for these people, as I have never trully seen the US embracing the needs of another country (not to say that I have ever seen that though), and so therefore I would, eventhough the US did massacre the people, the UN would be better set up to help the medical needs of these people. Also in terms of the actual rebuilding of Iraq, you can say what you want, but everyone on this forum knows that the Drug Lords are coming back into power in Afgaistan and that we have not even begun to repair the damage we caused, much less the damage caused by previous wars, and I believe that a similar attitude would be placed on Iraq. When Bush realizes that this will cost in excess of 20 billion dollars a month he might shy away a little. While the UN with the full support of most of the world would be able to easier acquire these funds and rebuild Iraq more effectively. And lastly we install regimes that look kindly towards the US, and that is a euphomism. There is no question that Truman did a good job with post world war 2, but this is slightly differnent the countries we are dealing with are not former super powers, or powers at all, but rather poor third world nations, that can be easily manipulated. I dont' trust the US with such obvious biases in this situation to control the future of all of these Iraqi's, the security in the middle East, and the potential for disaster in the rest of the world . . . obviosly we don't give a fuck about world opinion and the issue of rebuilding Iraq has serious implications on not just US trade but also the future of this world.

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