How Different Are We?

My mind was recently wandering and I thought to myself that I should not have been so suprised that America was attacked through terrorism because if one looks at the rest of the world terrorism and sucide bombings are a daily fear. In almost every single country in this world the citizens have to worry about the cafe or bus they are currently occupying blowing up at any instance. I belevied when the attack first happened that this was the wourst thing that was happening in the world, and that all the other countries actually were concerned with the terrorism in America . . . naivity. Terrorism is far severer in most of the other countries in the world and me thinking that the terrorism in America was so much worse than any other countries is a great example of how we are manipulated by our news and our country. This manipulation, that we as Americans say doesn't exsist in America, has been present from the very founding of America (getting the lower class to fight a rebellion that would only benefit the upper class), and has continued with our country throught the ages (Cold War . . .). Also in America we always tell ourselves that we are the most powerful country in the world, while at the same time most of the wealthy countries in the world think they are the most powerful country in the world, which means that only one can be right, and no longer do I believe that America is that. The fact isn't that I hate America, far from it, but what it comes down to is that I used to support America because I thought it didn't try to manipulate its citizens and brain wash them, but it is unfortuantelty true. And I don't hate America I have just lost a lot of respect for it.

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