If Sadam disarms then Sadam is a moron . . . ah good ol if/then statements!

Before I start I would just like to say that Sadam is a horrible tyranical ruler and deserves to be placed in the presitigous category of Hitler and Stalin and that this world would be better with out him alive. But I think Bush is going at this situation all wrong. What Bush is doing right now is making it seem as if there will be a war on Sadam no matter what. Therefore whatever Sadam does it doesn't matter because Bush will invade. And we have seen that through Bush's speeches and most recently his follow-up statement of the Iraqi's destroying some of their missles, where he said this doesn't mean anything and so on. So Sadam is put in a precarious position if he disarms the US invades and he is fucked, if he rearms / continues to arm then he will stand a chance. So if I was Sadam I would get some big ass nukes and nuke the fuck out of the US and hope to kill everyone that could destroy him and his empire. And this scenerio don't look to good for us Americans, as we get the fuck bombed out of us . . . all because Bush is incompotent . . . ! Well the whole getting nuked is farfetched but the position that Bush is putting Sadam in is a reality and is only worsening the situation.

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