It is the Double Standard that I am Concerned About

I am not against the United Nations criticizing Israel, what I am against is how they are so concerned about Palestinians above all other oppressed people on earth. I don't see the United Nations speaking out for North Korean to be free from the tyranny of Kim Jung Il. I don't see the United Nations speaking out for people of countries where human rights are non-existant, like China. In fact, China can't be criticized in the UN because they would veto anything criticizing them (do I smell a fundamental flaw with the organization's structure?). Israel is criticized and no one else is for many reasons that I can't get into right now. The United Nations is incapable of taking on any of the world's major problems because of the overall concencus that it requires to do anything. By the way, the United Nation's record on terrorism, the issue that America is most concerned about is abismal. With the giant voice given to 3rd World dictatorships, the U.N. will never agree on even defining the term, none the less fighting it. In conclusion, the U.N. is horribly innefficient, and even when something is finally agreed upon it cannot enforce it. Because of this, the world's major problems are forced to be solved by the United States.

By the way, the United Nations is a giant threat to national sovereignty if it gets the power that you crave for it. They have already begun the preliminary stages of a World Tax Commission and are very exited about the prospect of an International Court of Justice. Based on the record of the United Nations, I know that they are not going to put any truly brutal war criminals on trial, because the Third World Hellhole they come from will be mad. You just wait and watch. The people they put on trial will be American or British soldiers or generals. The United Nations is quickly becoming a tool of the disordered world to attack the ordered one. Although they have no power right now to do this, you should be aware of the trends from the U.N.

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