Jesse - I Know it is Late, but that Doesn't Leave you Exempt from LOGIC

First off, I stated that Lincoln was intelligent in the way of war terms as the Emanipaction Proclamation satisfied the Union slave holding states, showed to France and the United Kingdom that the Union was still fully united, and to a very small extent weakened Southern economy during the war, but drastically helped in destroying the Southern economy in the Reconstruction years; therefore I said nothing that he was a good person, but a smart war strategist.

Second, in comparing Lincoln to Hitler that analogy was very off. Hitler was elected to bring the people out of a depression and he used the fear and anger against Jews and other people to help bring that economic change about. Lincoln on the otherhand didn't even face a depression so he couldn't have used the fear and anger of the Indians to have them and their buffalo killed. The analogy I think would be closer (eventhough incredibly incorrect still) to Stalin and the Stalinist purges that took place before the actual Holocaust itslef.

Lastly, No where can I find any source saying that Lincoln did put any bounty on the Indian's heads. Now if this was apart of the Homestead Act, which wasn't issued on the day of the Emancipation Proclamation, give me some proof. And if it was apart of the Emancipation Proclamation give me some proof by quoting the proclamation, and if it is in a different proclamation than the Emanicpation Proclamtion, but still issued that same day as you stated, give me proof of that proclamation and quote it for me. I want you to do this because I have no knowledge of what you said about the bounty, and I would enjoy for you to enlighten me - Por Favor!

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