Juola - NO

Juola you are way off the mark with your channel bull shit and then your other point about how women don't want power over men. The only reason women want equality is because they are envious of the power that men currently hold, but with "equality" women would not have the power that men have now they would still have less than the power men currently hold. Thus, women will never stop until they can control politics and buisnesses, and the world will once again be inequal and I for will not stand for that. I will not stand for any society where one person dominates another due to factors that they were born with. And secondly what the fuck was with your channel bullshit, if you are alluding to spheres and just don't want to use the word then I somewhat understand, but why channels, seriosly. And to conclude my current rave why don't you quote a book that conveys the knowledge of someone over 5 should be able to contemplate and not Animal Farm by Orwell a very crude and inconsistent remake of the Bolshevik revolution.

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