Kofi versus Dubbya

Gross, I the reason why I accused Annan of impurity that hasn't happened yet is because I wanted to illustrate the outrageousness of you accusing the United States of future illegal actions. I totally respect Kofi Annan as an idealist. I believe that the comparison to Mother Teresa is a good one, and like Mother Teresa, Kofi Annan should work to aid people in need of food and medicine. As great of a woman as Mother Teresa was however, I would not have wanted her to control an entire country. She was a humanitarian, not a politican. Same with Mr. Annan. As much as I respect his humanitarian work, I do not believe that he would succeed in setting up a stable democracy in Iraq. First, he would be operating with his hands tied behind his back by the Security Council, who would not be able to agree on anything. Second, even if was given the freedom of action that would be required, he is too kind of a soul. Kofi Anan is the ultimate compromiser and would not be able to make the hard decisions that are needed to make in such a volitile region. Whether the U.S. or U.N. control the country, there will be resistance from both remaining Saddam loyalists and different factions who want a bigger piece of the pie. Because of these circumstances, the only logical choice would be for the U.S., UK, Japan, Australia, South Korea and others who are willing to join in the efforts to rebuild the country. Kofi Annan would do a very good job making sure the basic needs of the Iraqi people are met and that aid gets too them.

About my "love" of Dubbya. I have never respected him as a self-made man, and in fact find that his kind of background is what's wrong in American politics. I dissagree with most of his economic and domestic policy, and do not admire the way he handles himself as a politician. I do not know where you get that he is my idol. That said, it is not unreasonable to agree with Bush on foreign policy despite his background, just as it is not unreasonable to agree with Bill Clinton on some issues although you do not admire his personal life. I admire the fact that Kofi Annan has gone through a lot in his life, but I still do not think that he should not have too much political influence. When I put my faith in the United States in the effort to rebuild Iraq, I am putting my faith in a country that I believe has done far more good for the world than harm, and a country that has been very kind to those who come to it poor and malnourished. I am not putting my faith in one man at all. That is the concept you fail to grasp.

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