Let it Fly...But Don't Fool Yourself

Southerners have all the right in the world to fly whatever flag they want. No one has the freedom from being offended. I do however understand why people are offended. Sure, the Civil War was fought for economic reasons, but that is not how it is remembered and what it stands for to people today. At the end of the day, the South's main work force, black slaves, were freed. Granted, the emancipation proclomation may have been a move by Lincoln to keep Britain on the sidelines, but motives mean nothing when you look at final results. The freeing of slaves was without doubt the biggest impact of the Civil War. By the way, it could be argued that every war was fought for economic reasons.

In the end...the flag is just a piece of fabric, so it really harms no one. It should definitely not be illegal. You just need to understand that the common man on the street does not historically analyze every minute detail.

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