My Struggle... To Retain My Sanity!

Wow. Morpheus now sucks. Without Napster, the pornography-free music download software, as a whole, is absolutely awful. I'd even go so far as to say it "jumps the shark", if you will. How could all of these problems have been solved? By leaving people to run their business. Lassiez-faire capitolism is a good thing, for the most part. So long as someone isn't controlling the market of their products (which Napster was NOT) and driving up the prices of their products, thus screwing over the consumer (Napster never committed this act either), lassiez-faire works just fine. Napster wasn't controlling its field of business, as it never came anywhere close to controlling the music industry (which reported record-high profits in every single year following Napster's debut). The crux of my argument, stated simply, is that if the music industry had not whined and complained about having a single, small competitor for so long and to so many, I could still enjoy a Saturday morning discovering the best damn bands there are to be found. Thank you, music industry, and thank you judicial branch for ruining Napster, thus demolishing these small bands' only chance of success. You've done us an irrepayable favor.

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