Nixon, Teddy . . . The Best Presidents?

I Have been away and silent for a fair amount of time, but it is impossible to not shut up when Jesse directly attacks the integrity of history and honor. How dare you Jesse, say the Nixon, the pussy, is our best president, haven't you ever heard of Vietnamization, Nixon's horrible plan to leave Vietnam with dignity. It was very possilbe to win the Vietnam war, but instead Nixon merely pulled us out of it. The Vietnamese attack on their Tet Holiday proved that the Vietnam war was almost over, as the American troops successfully defended themselves against the largest Vietnamese attack. Instead of winning the war in Vietnam, which was very possible, Nixon says hey what the hell lets remove our troops from Vietnam in a slow and long lasting process. And then you went on to say that Teddy Roosevelt was one of the greatest presidents, I thought you were a conservative. Teddy is probably the sole president to ruin America as he used the Sherman anti-trust plans to break up corporations, futhering the government's medling in the economy, as well as he turned America from a nice unimperial government into the police of the new world as he involved the country in the "Boxer Rebellion," "The Russo-Jap War," Panama Canal, Venuzualla, and then he created the Roosevelt Collary. And lastly Abraham Lincoln does score some points with me because the Emanicaption Proclamation. The proclamation was an ingenous war measure as he showed Europe that he had control over the South, and also avoiding pissing of the Union slave owning states. My picks for greatest presidents are probably, Polk of course, Old Hickory, and then Silent Cal.

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