Nuclear Bombs

Can anyone explain to me what America is doing about limiting nukes or any other weapons of mass destruction in this world? Because it seems to me that we are continuing to build our piles of missiles and arming up the wazoo while we hell at other nations for having weapons of mass destruction. NO nation is going to stop building weapons of mass destruction when they have nations right next to them or on the other side of the world that are able to obliterate their nation in about 20 minutes or less. If any nation stopped building weapons they would be buffoons because they are threatened by our weapons. And yet we Americans are complaining that Saddamm has weapons stock piled, eventhough they can't find traces of weapons or any radioactive material, while we America practically brag about the weapons that we have. To tell the truth to a good portion of this world . . . we are the threat. We are the terrorists that are killing innocent civilians, brother, fathers, mothers, and sisters, while at the same time we blame all the other nations of the world for the wrongs committed against them. I dont' hate America or believe we are the Universal terrorists but all I am saying is that by building nuclear weapons and so on we are only perpetuating more and more countries to mount some defense against the US, the effect then is cyclic. (Kind of like the situation in Colombia, but that is a wholly different blog!)

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