Obviously Your Opinions Do Not Hold Weight in Every Situation

Andrew, where do you draw the line? When do you say that someone is wrong? That is what I am getting at. If you are unwilling to do that in all circumstances, then you literally have no backbone. By the way, if I thought that all arabs were terrorists, why would I believe that freedom of speech and universal suffrage would benefit the middle east? If I thought that all Chinese were communists, why would I be an advocate of free trade with China and believe that China had an important role in the future of world capitalism (which I made clear to you in previous conversations). I do not care about what other people believe, but I do care about their actions. Unfortunately, you apply your moral relativism to the actions. Maybe rape and murder should be legal? I mean, "we don't have the right to tell someone if they are right and wrong." Never, not once, do I advocate doing anything against people who do not share my opinion. Actions are what the only thing I am concerned about. You never address what to do if a nation attacks another. You dismiss with it with "America has made plenty of mistakes." Because America has made plenty of mistakes, we should not ever defend it? Wonderful idea Andrew! I know that America has made mistakes, I am not an uneducated hillbillie, but you, as an educated person, should also know that America, for all its faults, is not evil, and definitely one of the better places in the world to live. I will not get into romaniticizing about how great it is, but I will say that if my Grandfather did not immigrate here with his family, he would be a bar of soap.

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