Oh and Gross, You Suck

I didn't hate your personal attacks, so much as the fact that you did not address anything that I had written previously. If you do not address my arguments, you are not really arguing against me, are you? Because you gave me a question, I will give you several. 1) Are you justifying September 11 attacks? If so, why is it better than any of the 'horrible things' that you say America is so evil for? Do you have a double standard between for America and Bin Laden? If so is 9/11 morally the same as America targeting known terrorists, who have been trained in Al Qaeda camps with precision guided weapons? 2) When has America, ever, "randomly sluaghtering Arabs"? If you could tell me when, it would be quite helpful. (Bombing an Al-Qaeda terrorist camp does not count as 'randomly slaughtering Arabs' because bombing a specific military target and is not random at all.) I guess if your definition of a patriot is 'randomly slaughtering arabs', consider me Jane Fonda! 3) WHEN DO YOU TAKE A STAND GROSS? "I will never support killing someone because who they are or where they live or killing some one at all." What if someone wants to kill you? Would you just say we can't hurt them for who they are? What would you have done with the Nazis? Given them a hug?

Finally to answer your question...It doesn't matter why Osama attacked America! (Sorry to be such an arrogant, ugly American Bastard) He may have had a perfectly good reason! The only thing that matters is that he did and will do it again. The fact is that if you do not get that bastard's organization out of business, it will affect you, me and everyone. Do you deny that Al Qaeda is seeking nukes and other very powerful weapons, or would that just make you an "arrogant patriot?" Your rejection of becoming your definition of a "patriot" is quite noble, but you have a very narrow perspective of the world. Your extreme ideology blinds you of very real threats. But maybe, all the media is just being "manipulated" by the evil government. Sure, everyone is criticizing me, but I will still stand by my positions. I will not conform to the society of the A-Times! You are the one who is being manipulated and who is the conformist.

P.S. Gross is a paranoid bastard.

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