Re: Gore

it doesn't matter what Lott said because he most likely did not mean it. Yes he said he supported Strom Thurman, but he never directly said that he was pro-segregation because he is too good of a politician to say something that stupid. What actually happened is that he didn't think of all the ramifications of him saying he wished Thurman would have been president could have. So really what he said is a mute point. But here is where Jesse is wrong (and I am going to contradict myself fromt my last post because I didn't have all the facts and I didn't have all the facts correct). Al Gore is not saying that Lott has to apologize, but he is saying that what Lott should do is retract the statement and apologize for the possible interprerations that his stamement might have. Thus Gore is saying if Lott doesn't repeal his statement than he should resign from being the future majory leader in the Senate. Which, in reality, is quite reasonable and quite intelligent for Lott to do because if Lott doesn't retract his statement he will loose all of his black supporters as well as most of his minority supporters and many of his white supporters so Gore's advice is going to benefit Lott himself more than anyone else. So therefore, Jesse your comment that you made about Gore being in his own private wonder world is guite unfounded because what he said to Lott was very practical and futhermore I would much rather have Al Gore as our current president rather than "Shoot 'em up W."

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