Russia and China

There is a reason we do not bug China or Russia. We the all-powerful united states are scared of them. Yes, I said it, scared. They both have nuclear arsenals large enough to destroy the entire world let alone our country, and they are both larger landmass then us. Would it even be remotely possible to overthrow either government? No, they are too wide spread. What you have to do is pay off authority figures so you can rot the inside and then kick down the outside. Russia, on the other hand is just far too large of a land mass. Remember how hard it is to find people in a small desert? Try the very large desert Siberia. People could hide there for years; even I would say centuries and we would never find them.

Simply put you do not mess with someone who could level you with a push of a button. Nuclear bombs are the great equalizer. You would not mess with even the smallest country if they had a nuclear arsenal.

Moreover, if not by violence then by what? Starvation? "If you don't be nice to your people we'll stop sending you the massive amounts of food we do!" We would be worse then them then.

Bringing Chinas and Russia's human rights up to code is not possible nor plausible at this time, so Andrew, shut up.

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