Stereo Future
- Rating:
- 7
- Summary:
- The Japanese version of 'Garden State'
- Director:
- Hiroyuki Nakano
- Year:
- 2001
- Genre:
- Comedy/Drama
- Country:
- Japan
- Language:
- Japanese
- MPAA Rating:
- Unrated
I've had this movie for a long time, and I finally got around to watching it. From what I've heard it's an episode in a series of films, though I cannot find information on any earlier or later ones on IMDB. When I as in the single sentence summary call this the Japanese version of garden state this doesn't refer to the plot but rather the characters.
In both Stereo Future and Garden State the main characters are aspiring actors, who have girl friends with mental issues. Moreover they have friends making money doing illegal things.
Both movies also have a similar kind of laid back feel and both have great music. Despite the really utter lack of plot, this film did have a great atmosphere.
The movie follows several people including an aspiring actor, Keisuke, a television reporter and a few others lives for the length of the film with the connections not becoming apparent until the last few minutes.
In all honesty it was beautifully done, but came off kind of preachy at times and went nowhere.
If you've got nothing to do, its not bad, its just not good.
On an interesting side note the one American in the film "Dr. Danny Moreno" is in fact the man who choreographed 'Earth Girls are Easy'