The Conservatives are arrogant assholes and the Libs are dumbass Bitches

If you look at the conservatives and especially republicans the best word to some them up is heartless. (Yeah, yeah I know you all are going to say that you have a conservative friend who is a nice person, but I am using generalizations because this generalazation is true to the vast majority.) The conservatives try as hard as they can to gain as much money as they can, which isn't neccesarly a bad thing, but they do it at the expense of anyone. To conservatives their only goal is money. Look at their opinion of dealing with business "meh let business do what ever they want!" HA! We have all seen that business tries as much as they can to screw their workers out of any money they could ever achieve, and the conservatives agree with that 100 percent. They believe that by increasing minium wage will in fact increase will bring the average pay amoung the nation (O'Reilly Factor). Conservatives = Fucking heartless pigs.

But all of you heartless conservatives that I have hopefully offended, I am now going to start going off on the fuckign libs. The libs and especially the democrats they do not know how to fucking apprioate money at all. Look at our school, they are cutting teachers salaries and laying off teachers, why? To build a fucking fire place - what fucking morons. Also the government spent 150,000,000 on testing how gay people respond to gay porno videos. How the fuck would they respond, holy shit they are gay for gods sake. The libs love to just randomlly throw money at their problems instead of even considering how they could possibly solved. The waste off cash in this country is exhorborant and that is final.

So to basically sum it up "We are fucked." I truly believe that the reason both ends of the spectrum and everything in between will never allow humans to achieve the potential that we can and must, is because God made humans with a flaw . . . they are all fucking evil, self satisfying, morons, with their fucking heads shoved so far up their fucking poverbial asses that the ever seeing the light of day ever again is completley out of the question. People are made to fuck themselves and we shall be screwed until we either get blown up, blow ourselves up, die out, or somehow mutate with the incredible amount of nuclear waste that this planet will probably succum to.

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