The Penis Crisis - A.K.A. Social Angst

Why when I walk down the school do I hear feebs discussing how one has the larger reproductive organ (penis, wanker, johnson, willy, so on...). Why??? It doesn't make any sense to me because it seems that men are so uncomftorable around one another that they have to prove that they have a large cock, but does this trully matter to the female sex. This opinion is divided between whores and everyone else. I think you people can figure out who is who in this situation. So men then are expressing to other men how big there penis is to other men to please whores! Yeah go men. The other part of my penis crisis (not my crisis of my penis, but the crisis I am going through because of people's illogical use of penis's (yes that sound weird (and yes I know I am using parenthesis inside other parenthesis))) is that men tell other men to suck their penis - which this (while contemplating on the hole I figured out) is about power. But in a very gay sense as I figured out because to suck one's penis would cause pleasure but discomfort to the sucker so . . . the sucked is being commanding and gaining power over someone by forcing the displeasure and causing them pleasure. But as I say the whole pleasure caused by other men is really homosexual obviously, so maybe all men that say that crap have some sort of homosexual tendencies that are riding their ass (oh man - good pun). So basically men who talk about their penis are A - very angsty B - Gay C - Slightly Gay D - Trying to get whores to dig them, YOU CHOOSE CAUSE I DON"T FUCKING GET IT.

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