These Places still exsist!

My uncle was talking today about a doctor he knew, who happened to be black, and was in Georgia for some reason. He was at a gas station or something like that and a kid in the store pointed at him and said "Look mommy a nigger!"

It astounds me to no end that places and people like this still exsist, I realize that the klan still exsists and that there are many a bigot in America, but kids that are so removed from the actual world was astounded to see a black person. It is just incredible that America still has its ancestory of bigotry prevelant in areas. Also Rachel Lavenda was talking to me awhile ago and said that an incrediblely christian family asked her where her horns and wings were, in a mockingly fashion. This bigotry is just incredible to me as well. It is mind blowing is mind blowing that there are bigots to this extent still roaming around.

Also if it sounded like I was saying bigotry was a rarity on this post, I wasn't, I realize that the KKK and other horrid groups of bigots still exsist and racism is still very prevalent, but nonetheless these example have impacted me because it shows how truly close racism is to me and where I live, and isn't in some far removed parsec of the universe.

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