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As far as corruption goes, I disagree with both of you. What happens when a country is in an oppresive situation, is a revolution. Now this can be aided by another government, as Gross said, but it's far from democratic. No large government is perfect. To quote Tommy Lee Jones character from Men in Black, "a person is smart, people are dumb panicky animals". A large group of people will ruin any system, no matter how good the theory of it is. My point was that I'm so fed up with all the idiots that think America is so great. They think they're so damn rightious, and they think that nothing we can do is wrong. I'm gonna say right now, the system doesn't work unless it's a small system, and their aren't currently. I also hate the whiny politicans who have the backing of their major party. There was little difference between the candidates for President. Politically, they kept saying the same things. And if we are going to have a party system, we really need to get a second party. As for myself, I'll stay with the whig party for now.
(also, I agree with Gross in that Jesse shouldn't mess with other people's rants)

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