What the fuck are you talking about...

Jesse, how exactly do you know nobody else who writes here was concerned about the uber nazi coming to power in France? I for one was quite concerned.

Furthermore, Europe is definately not consolidating. Moreover it wouldn't matter even if the countries of europe WERE consolidating (which they aren't). There are multiple factions within countries that have differing opinions. That would be like saying every citizen in the US was in full support of "the war on terror", or as I like to call it, Bush's revenge for death threats on daddy.

Another thing Jesse, there was a WAVE of support to the US from European countries after the attacks on september eleven (felt like using letters rather than numbers for some reason...(on a creepy note, when i flash my bios, that's the date it was reset to...)). Support for defense can only go so far. We're going on the offensive. Iraq wasn't even involved with the attacks on 9/11. It's not that they didn't/don't care, it's that the US is stretching the boundaries under which we're calling defensive purposes.

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