World Opinion

I find it really odd that almost of the nations in this world do not have a majority of their people supporting the war on Iraq. I have heard a few bigotted responses that say basically oh well the entire world is wrong and that America is the only nation in the world that can trully see the light. Or other responses that everyone is just not supporting war on Iraq because they hate America. What ever your opinion on the issue is it doesn't really matter because it doesn't change the fact that Bush has almost no support. His three major allies (only two that might contribute troops) are Spain and Britian. First off Britian's parliament doesn't support war and am not totally sure but I believe that because of how the government is structured Britian could not contribute troops. Then Spain's people are in a large majority opposed the war in Iraq, whether or not this is affecting the government, it should be a sign to Bush that people of the world do not want this war to take place. Then Israel will probably support this war and go invade Iraq. And on this issue I have a slightly differing stance . . . the Israelis should go and fuck up Saddam for the cruise missles that he lodged up Israel's ass in the Gulf War. Israel has a lot more stack and right in this war than I believe America does . . . (I hope the Jews get their sweet and deserved revenge on Saddam). The final response that I get when I ask people the question of why the other countries aren't supproting a war against Iraq, they say something to the extent that their leaders are incompotent. I am sorry but the leaders of the rest of the world are at the very least no more incompotent that President Bush and for the most part are more intelligent than Bush. In no way is America's government any more knowledgeable about worldy affairs than the rest of the world.

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